access management as a service - worldwide
  • More Freedom & Safety Everyday

    If you want to store, collect, deliver, receive, return orders or rent, sell your products 24/7/365, worldwide WITHOUT appointments, time slots, signature or presence ...

    ... then you should follow these 4 steps:
    1. Choose a suitable "Box": ParcelBox, CoolingBox, ContainerBox, CageBox, CBox 
    2. Add 1 mounting kit per 1 ParcelBox, 1 vandal bar per 1 ContainerBox
    3. Add 1 SmartLock per 1 mounting kit, 1 vandal bar or 1 "Box"
    4. Choose a suitable type of access control: 
    a. subscribe (pay) > get a number of one time pin codes > share one code per order
    b. scan the QR code on the door, "Box" > pay > get the pin code to open it.

    Our services will start in Switzerland as soon as we find the right people! Contact

    Over time, we aim to serve more than 250 countries and regions. Learn more

Home >>

Learn how 
we offer more 
freedom & safety
time slots 

+ PinCodes 
+ Any "Box" 
= 24/7 Service 

Go to the menu > products to learn more


following services,

solutions and business concepts

are going to solve many problems of

suppliers, sellers, deliverers

and buyers worldwide

Take profit of


- your "" -

regarding following 

3 business fields:

 " Golden - Final " 

 " Last Mile Delivery " 


collect, pick-up 

deliver, receive, return everything

24/7/365, worldwide WITHOUT appointments, 

time slots, signature or presence of a client/ recipient

thanks to our SmartLocks, access management

ContainerBoxes, CoolingBoxes, CBoxes

ParcelBoxes or CageBoxes in

different sizes and designs

for commercial and

private use


collect, pick-up

deliver, receive, return for example

"fresh & frozen" products, meals, medicines

24/7/365, worldwide WITHOUT appointments, 

time slots, signature or presence of a client/ recipient

thanks to our SmartLocks, access management

CoolingRooms, CoolingBoxes, CBoxes

ContainerBoxes+, ParcelBoxes+ in

different sizes and designs

for commercial and

private use


become trustwothy

business partner, if you want to

run businesses in your country like following:

"order & collect", "self storage", "mini-storage"
"parcel locker", "carport", "e-bike garage"
"lockers in different sizes", "cloakroom"
"pick-up stations", "rent from a-z"
"buy from a-z" and 
much more



everything you need 

to realize your business dreams:

SmartLocks including access management

All kind of Pin-Codes, Qr-Codes, NFC/RFID-Tags

OnlineStores<>OfflineStores incl. Payment

ContainerBoxes, CoolingBoxes, CBoxes

ParcelBoxes or CageBoxes in

different sizes and designs

for commercial and

private use

Good To Know

Best Products

20-year warranty on corrosion 

protection for products

24/7 Service

Reach out to us anytime,

we are at your service.

Free Shipping

Enjoy free shipping on all

your orders valid for Switzerland

Secure Payment

We provide secure payment 

gateways for your transactions.

Do you want for example a ParcelBox? 
Follow 4 Steps To Simplify Your Everyday Life

Step 1

Choose 1 suitable ParcelBox 

and add it to your 

shopping cart

Shop now

Step 2

Add 1 mounting kit 

per 1 ParcelBox

and add it to your shopping cart

Step 3

Add 1 SmartLock 

per 1 mounting kit 

and add it to your shopping cart

Step 4

Choose 1 subscription (=amount of pin codes) per 1 SmartLock and add it to your shopping cart    

ParcelBox selection

Mounting Kit
Mounting kit without SmartLock
ParcelBox horizontal large 160
ParcelBox horizontal large 160
ParcelBox horizontal large 200
ParcelBox horizontal large 200
ParcelBox horizontal medium 130
ParcelBox horizontal medium 130
ParcelBox horizontal medium 180
ParcelBox horizontal medium 180
ParcelBox horizontal small 100
ParcelBox horizontal small 100
ParcelBox vertical 150 M (medium)
ParcelBox vertical 150 M (medium)
ParcelBox vertical 230 L (large)
ParcelBox vertical 230 L (large)
ParcelBox vertical 90 S (small)
ParcelBox vertical 90 S (small)
ParcelBox vertical L half high
ParcelBox vertical L half high
ParcelBox vertical M half high
ParcelBox vertical M half high
SmartLock without mounting kit
We Make It Easy For All Involved

NO Appointments 
NO Time Slots
NO Signature 
NO Presence

to store, collect, deliver, receive, return orders 
or rent, sell products, ​on/offline, 24/7/365, worldwide

Our Brands

I enjoy FREEDOM & SAFETY everyday

What about you?

Do you need a


Do you need

Pin Codes?

Shop Now
Are you looking​ for a


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